
Body Biotics™ mimic nature so closely as to provide the full benefits of true bacterial cultures.

GMO-free, toxin-free, chemical-free.

They are naturally dehydrated (not freeze-dried), rendered dormant as in nature, and waiting to be ingested with an aqueous solution so they can, once again, thrive.

Once thriving, they provide the same bio-identical health benefits we used to enjoy before the introduction of harsh chemicals into our farming world in the mid-1950s.

Body Biotics™ are dormant, alive and thriving in their own natural Prebiotics ancestral food source. They DO NOT have a finite number. When activated with water or juice, these “alive and thriving” organisms, trained in nature to withstand the harshest of environments, awaken and begin immediately to multiply.

Therefore, listing a CFU amount on the Body Biotics™ label would be inaccurate and misleading. Each individual will experience a multiplication of the number of organisms in one capsule of Body Biotics.